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vendredi 22 août 2014

hashtag #MyDestination


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Inspired by Twitter to filter threads on a specific topic, the hashtag (keyword hash) has quickly established itself in the language of social networking sites. It was adopted by Instagram, Youtube and Facebook with even less success.

The tourist office in Montreal and encourages tourists to twitter, instagrammer, post videos with the hashtag #MTLMOMENTS. These digital traces are then taken with the objective of territorial communication, the city seen by citizens and tourists, a social wall (social wall) that dynamically collects all contributions.

The Stockholm Arlanda airport in Sweden has increased its ingenuity by developing customized travel guides mobile, the content comes directly from the geotagged photos on Instagram. For each of the destinations served by the company, one can discover the different places of a city in photo, add to favorites and even download his own guide in PDF. Of course the purists will say that reading a PDF on mobile is a Dantesque user experience but it's a trade probably relevant in terms of development cost.