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vendredi 22 août 2014



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BUT Not without my Wi-Fi !

In the last quarter of 2013, there were 27 million mobile users with 50% of French equipped with a smartphone (MMAF). Between 2012 and 2013, the rate of equipment touchscreen tablets has doubled from 8% to 17% (Crédoc). The evolution in terms of equipment is to be compared with a strong dependence on Connection: in all places, at all hours and all connected devices (ATAWAD).

Various studies show that Wi-Fi has become a determining factor (see exclusion) when choosing accommodation. To meet user demand, transportation tourism now includes this service offering far only haven forced disconnect lack of technical means. In March 2013, AirFrance opened its first flight connected to the New York-Paris link. By 2015, the station announced the Wi-Fi in 128 stations.

Other unexpected players have understood the value of offering services in response to a need for their users. This is the case of Facebook, which offers merchants renting a Wi-Fi hotspot allowing customers to enjoy Internet access against a Facebook checkin in their trade.

Many destinations in France have understood the value of their territory mesh with Wi-Fi for the benefit of residents and tourists alike.